Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy

Axell Corporation (hereinafter referred to as “our company”) and our group companies (including Ax Inc., aimRage Inc., and others, hereinafter referred to as “group companies”; for more details about group companies, please refer [here](URL placeholder)). Together with group companies, we are collectively referred to as “our group.” We deeply recognize the importance of protecting personal information entrusted to us by individuals and declare our commitment to continuously implement the basic policy on personal information protection as set forth below, in strict adherence to the “Personal Information Protection Law” (Law No. 57 of 2003) and other relevant laws and regulations. In cases where group companies have established different provisions that conflict with this policy, those provisions shall take precedence over this policy.

1. Purpose of Use of Personal Information

Our group, unless permitted by law, will acquire and use personal information only to the extent necessary for the following purposes or as individually notified or announced:

  1. Response to inquiries and consultations
  2. Provision of product support
  3. Product development, surveys, marketing research, and monitoring
  4. Meetings related to products
  5. Sending information about exhibitions and events
  6. Provision of information related to products and services (including those of our group and partners)
  7. Other operations related and incidental to the above

2. About Safety Management Measures

Our group takes the following safety management measures to handle the personal data we hold:

  1. Organizational Safety Measures: Establishment of management systems through committees and responsible managers, maintenance of internal rules, creation of documents like management ledgers and process charts, and continuous improvement.
  2. Human Safety Measures: Awareness and training on the importance of protecting personal data for all employees handling personal data, regardless of their position, along with necessary audits and supervision to ensure effectiveness.
  3. Physical Safety Measures: Security measures such as entry and exit control of buildings and floors handling personal data, theft prevention, measures against damage from fires or lightning, and securing documents and systems during transport and storage.
  4. Technical Safety Measures: Access controls like authentication and authorization management when accessing personal data, malware and virus prevention measures for systems, encryption, and monitoring of information systems.

3. Provision of Personal Data

Our group will not provide personal data to third parties except in the following cases or as described in points 4 or 5 below:

  1. With the individual’s consent
  2. When required by law or requested by courts, police, or other governmental agencies
  3. When our group deems it necessary to protect the life, health, or property of our employees or third parties
  4. Other legally permitted situations

4. Entrustment of Personal Data Handling

To achieve the purposes stated in point 1, our group may share personal data with our contractors (including dealers and agents). In such cases, we carefully select the contractors and require appropriate safety management measures to ensure proper handling.

5. Joint Use of Personal Data

  1. Data Items for Joint Use: Name, date of birth, address, telephone number, email address, gender, etc.
  2. Scope of Joint Users: Our group companies (detailed [here](URL placeholder))
  3. Purpose of Use: As described in point 1.
  4. Responsible for Managing Personal Data: Axell Corporation (address and representative’s name are available [here](URL placeholder))

6. Handling of Personal Data in Foreign Countries

Our group may handle personal data in foreign countries, such as storing data on servers located abroad through the use of cloud services. In such cases, we review the terms of use of cloud services and related contracts and take necessary and appropriate measures for the safe management of personal data based on the personal information protection systems of the respective countries.

7. Disclosure, Correction, Suspension of Use, Deletion of Personal Data

Under the “Personal Information Protection Law” and other laws, individuals have the right to request notification of the purpose of use, disclosure (including disclosure of records provided to third parties), correction, addition or deletion, suspension of use, deletion, or suspension of provision to third parties of their personal data. Our group will promptly respond to such requests through prescribed procedures. Documentation may be required to verify that the request is from the individual or their representative, and there may be charges for postage and other expenses related to the notification or disclosure of the purpose of use. For more details, please contact the point of contact specified in point 8 below.

8. Contact for Requests and Complaints Regarding Personal Data

Our company has established a contact point for handling requests as described in point 7 and other inquiries, complaints, and consultations related to personal data provided to us, as follows:

Axell Corporation
Personal Information Protection Related
Inquiry Contact: privacy
Phone: 03-5298-1670

This policy is subject to periodic review and continuous improvement.

Established: March 28, 2005
Revised: October 1, 2023
Representative Director, President: Akihiro Saito

Contact for Inquiries Regarding Personal Information

Axell Corporation
Personal Information Protection Related
Inquiry Contact
Tel: 03-5298-1670

1. Purpose of Use of Personal Information

Axell Corporation

2. Compliance with Relevant Laws and Guidelines

Our company complies with the “Act on the Use of Numbers to Identify a Specific Individual in Administrative Procedures” (Number Law), the “Guidelines for Proper Handling of Specific Personal Information (for Businesses),” as well as the “Personal Information Protection Law” and guidelines set by the Personal Information Protection Commission in handling specific personal information (hereinafter referred to as “specific personal information etc.”).

3. Purpose of Use

Our company uses the provided specific personal information etc. for the following purposes:

  • For business partners’ specific personal information etc.:
    1. Creation of payment statements related to real estate transactions.
    2. Creation of payment statements for remuneration, fees, contract money, and prizes.
  • For shareholders’ specific personal information etc.:
    1. Creation of payment statements for dividends and surplus fund distributions.
  • For our employees’ specific personal information etc.:
    • Tax-related
    1. Creation of withholding tax slips.
    2. Provision to employee stock ownership plans for creating payment statements for members.
    • Social insurance
    1. Health insurance and welfare pension insurance notifications, applications, and claims.
    2. Unemployment and workers’ compensation insurance notifications, applications, claims, and certification.
  • For specific personal information etc. of our employees’ spouses and relatives:
    • Tax-related
    1. Creation of withholding tax slips.
    • Social insurance
    1. Health insurance and welfare pension insurance notifications.

4. About Safety Management Measures

Our company has established the “Regulations for Handling Individual Numbers and Specific Personal Information” to prevent leakage, loss, or damage of specific personal information etc. and to ensure the proper management of individual numbers.

5. Handling of Entrustment

Our company may entrust the handling of specific personal information etc. to third parties. In such cases, we will supervise the entrusted party appropriately and necessarily in accordance with the Number Law and the Personal Information Protection Law.

6. Continuous Improvement

Our company strives to continuously improve the handling of specific personal information etc.

7. Disclosure of Specific Personal Information etc.

Our company will promptly respond to requests for disclosure of personal data related to specific personal information etc. from the individual or their representative, except in the following cases:

  • Where there is a risk of harm to the life, body, property, or other rights and interests of the person or a third party.
  • Where there is a risk of significant interference with the proper execution of our company’s operations.
  • Where it would result in a violation of laws.
    For inquiries regarding the disclosure of specific personal information etc., please contact us at:
    Axell Corporation, Management Group, Specific Personal Information Related Contact, Email:

8. Contact for Questions and Complaint Handling

For questions or complaints regarding the handling of specific personal information etc., please contact us at:
Axell Corporation, Management Group, Specific Personal Information Related Contact, Email:

Cookie Policy

Our group’s websites use cookies to ensure that you have the best experience possible. Please read this Cookie Policy before using our website. It is your responsibility to choose to “allow” or “deny” cookies.

1. What are cookies?

Cookies are features that store information from your website visits in your web browser. Cookies include “session cookies,” which are temporarily stored only while you browse the website, and “persistent cookies,” which remain stored until their expiration date or until you delete them, aimed at improving the convenience of the website.

We do not use cookies to store information that identifies visitors to our group as specific individuals. When using our website, visitors must agree to the use of cookies in accordance with this Cookie Policy.

If you do not consent, please choose to deny or disable cookies in your browser settings. However, be aware that if you refuse or disable cookies, some features of the website may not be available. If denied, no tracking of your information occurs when visiting the website, but a small cookie that remembers your preference not to be tracked will be stored in your browser.

2. About the use of cookies

Our group uses information collected through cookies to improve website performance, enhance your convenience while browsing our websites, and compile aggregate statistical data on how visitors use our group’s websites. The cookie information obtained on this website serves the following purposes:

Google Analytics

_gaTo identify users and visitorsPersistent2 years
_gidTo identify users and visitorsPersistent24 hours
_gatTo throttle request rateSession1 minites
uidTo track users across various parts of the websitePersistent, Third-party2 years
sidTo identify users and visitorsPersistent2 years
ideTo track users across various parts of the websiteThird-party2 years


hubspotutkThis is used to identify and record visitors. It is provided to HubSpot upon form submission and used to eliminate duplicate contacts.Persistent13 months
__hstcUsed to track visitors and includes domain, utk (visitor ID cookie), first visit timestamp, last visit timestamp, current visit timestamp, and session number (increases with each subsequent session).Persistent13 months
__hsscUsed to keep track of sessions.Persistent30 minutes
__hssrcUsed to determine if the visitor has restarted their browser. If this cookie does not exist when HubSpot manages cookies, it is considered a new session.SessionSession

On this website, we use analytical tools that are useful for analyzing information such as your usage of the website and measuring traffic and usage statistics. For information about the terms of use and privacy policies of these analytical tools, please visit their respective sites.

  • Google Analytics (Policy and Terms)
  • HubSpot (Privacy Policy)

3. Collection and Analysis of Browsing History and Usage

Our group collects and analyzes your browsing history and usage to provide you with relevant information about appropriate products, services, and events. With your consent, we may associate this information with personal details such as your email address. However, we never link or use personally identifiable information such as your name, address, phone number, or email address with your browsing history without your consent.

4. Disabling Cookies

Most browsers are initially set to automatically accept cookies, but you can disable cookies by changing your browser settings. For instructions on how to change cookie settings, please refer to the official support site of the browser you are using. Here are the URLs for the support sites of major browsers:

  • Apple Safari: Visit the Safari section on Apple’s official support website.
  • Google Chrome: Visit Google’s official Chrome support page.
  • Microsoft Internet Explorer: Visit Microsoft’s support page for Internet Explorer.
  • Mozilla Firefox: Visit Mozilla’s official support page for Firefox.
  • Microsoft Edge: Visit Microsoft’s support page for Edge.