The AI automated playlist creation feature of “USEN MUSIC” streamlines the process of setting up store BGM, significantly reducing the effort involved through AI efficiency.



ailia.AI Editorial Team

USEN Corporation (U-NEXT.HD) has launched the ultimate store-specific BGM service “USEN MUSIC” in September 2023, featuring a proprietary AI. This service represents a significant evolution from “U MUSIC,” introduced in September 2020, which enabled the wireless operation of store devices including music streaming but required manual selection of each track for playlist creation and could only be configured using the actual store devices—a time-consuming process during busy store operations.

To address these challenges, “USEN MUSIC” was developed with features like AI-automated playlist creation. Users simply select their preferred artists or genres, and the AI quickly creates playlists while learning the user’s tastes and preferences. Each store can now compile music that fits its unique atmosphere, and store operators can manually adjust tracks via their PC or smartphone browsers.

The created playlists can be tailored for specific situations, such as rainy days or when the store is crowded, automatically switching playlists based on these conditions. The service includes a wide range of music from major domestic labels to international indie labels. These features enable each store to easily and efficiently create a tailored atmospheric presentation.

For more information about the service, you can visit the USEN MUSIC service site.