AI transforms the experience of shoplifting prevention officers. Ajira and Tosnet form a business alliance aiming to eradicate shoplifting and ensure safety in crowded areas.



ailia.AI Editorial Team

Ajira Corporation, advocating for a “Safe 3.0” world by integrating AI with existing security systems, and Tosnet Corporation, aiming to create a society where people can live safely, have agreed to form a business alliance for the development of new AI technologies in two main areas: AI aimed at preventing and detecting shoplifting, and AI that analyzes surveillance camera footage in crowded areas in real time to identify suspicious individuals or those in distress.

In this business partnership, Ajira will utilize its proprietary core technology of world-class “action recognition AI” combined with Tosnet’s expertise in crowd security and traffic management. This collaboration aims to preemptively detect suspicious individuals and provide early assistance to people with sudden illnesses or wheelchair users in open areas such as large festivals and events.

Additionally, the expertise of skilled shoplifting prevention officers, who work on the front lines, is integrated into the “action recognition AI.” By detecting shoplifters and signs of shoplifting from video data, this initiative aims to reduce the annual loss from shoplifting, which is said to exceed 800 billion yen, thus contributing to healthier business management and a more focused society.
