Enhanced functionality: What is “HACARUS KY,” the app that reduces labor accident risks at construction sites using AI?



ailia.AI Editorial Team

“HACARUS KY” is an app developed by HACARUS Inc., an AI solutions company with the mission of “Measuring the Next Generation” across various industries. This app enables hazard prediction activities on smartphones, tablets, and PCs. Based on the entered task name, AI searches for and suggests examples of occupational accidents and potential danger points, allowing for non-subjective hazard prediction and contributing to the reduction of occupational accident risks. Since its release on August 1, 2023, user feedback has been incorporated for continuous improvements tailored to on-site hazard prediction operations, with new features added to enhance the quality of hazard prediction activities.

【New Features of HACARUS KY】

1.AI suggests occupational accident cases and danger points with illustrations

Based on the entered task name, AI suggests occupational accident cases and danger points. By utilizing generative AI, all occupational accident cases are accompanied by illustrations, making the design easy to understand at a glance.


2.Add your company’s occupational accident cases and near-miss incidents

As of May 2024, the occupational accident database contains approximately 3,500 cases. Clients can also add their own company’s occupational accident cases for use in hazard prediction activities.

3.Creation of hazard prediction reports that quantify the quality of users’ hazard prediction activities

A unique report feature has been added that quantifies the quality of hazard prediction activities. Quantification allows the current state of hazard prediction activities to be visualized, leading to improvements in the quality of safety management activities.

4.Check daily hazard predictions via QR code during safety patrols

During safety patrols or inspections, even those without an account can access and check the day’s hazard predictions by scanning a QR code.

5.Monotony alert

An alert is displayed if the same danger points and countermeasures as the previous day are entered, prompting re-entry.

The outcome indicators of the 14th Labour Accident Prevention Plan, which is implemented at construction sites, stipulate that “the number of fatalities in the construction industry should be reduced by more than 15% by 2027 compared to 2022.” The introduction of such AI-powered apps is expected to significantly contribute to achieving the goals set by the construction industry.


Source: https://hacarus.com/ja/